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dimanche 23 février 2020

Cyber Carnival 2020 on the Moya land of Second Life

on the occasion of the Nice Carnival 2020 "king of fashion"
With the participation of:
Chapichapo Delvalle, Francesca Caeran, Gab Velcaira, Celine L, Lacheriealorca Galaxy,
Kyrah Shaeir, Rei Spore, Aiko Maeda前田あいこ, Dari Undercroft, Akilikos, Willem Koba,
Bohemio Love, Princesse Venusienne Mcmahon, Lylaya Love, Red Bikcin, Wizardoz Crome, Aneli Abeyante, Silas merlin, Duna Gant, Betty Tureaud, JohnNoone, Vroum Short, Eylinea Seabird, Cetusss, ZackHerMann, Isabella Inf1nity, Nomas Beautiful Arseynic, Ush Underwood, Max Vale-Starfall, Prince Jeffery, Roxanne Hollowheart, Izgooby, Dolldreams, Isabella Hollowheart, Nitroushyena, Nitrous Hollowheart, Hapi Kiti, Naar Rexen, VickyeMe, Memole Giha, asasha Dinzeo, Elisea Carter, Eagle, aljaya blinker (avatar officiel de Nina Hagen), GretaConGarbo, Candynette Metaluna, Misoindite Romano, Lilyan Aabaye, Maria Zapata, Lilo Middle, Mandel Solano, Yann Gyro, Kennylex Luckless, Mohini Moful, Donald Cluny, Janjii Rugani Nataraj, Patience Dumpling, ilyra chardin, Twister Grut, Golfinhazul Rosca, Cloe Marleen, Oblomov, Jos Bookmite, Sun Empire, Aer Blue, TeeBee Paris, Juliettesurrealdreaming, Timo Dumpling, Jana Conlana, Roxy Gellar, Nils Urqhart, Riannah Avora baron, Redbaron666, Gioazul, Dari Gopheller, Desy Magic, Jana Conlana, Wyatt Barger, Quecay Amat, DolphinDifference, Witchwhisper, Tsunamilimbunn, Edwige Monroe, Gem Preiz, Bichotte, Adwehe, Wytchwhisper Sadofsky, Fairy Blaisdale, Clothilde de Hasley, Hayhan Vanina, xNovellaaa, Izza Mayo, itskeppe, Ratnun Orbitalsunrise, Eudora Zadark, Siccsixx6, Kaluluuchiha 不安はオンラインです - ツ, CosmlQoooo, minami Coba, Песняков Jakyhere, Sun flower Buttiiemunch, Arlo, Ruby, Angela the, Kuyashii, Infamous Muggo, Fernquigley, Ratfox Weisslust, Yo Michigan, Marshal Ansome, NPC exe Gaspar67, SecretRain, Patrickofireland, Angela Thespian-Ireland, Emmerick1968,
Aroitachiquita, .??, Lucy Carla Dreynolds, Carolyn Handrick, Loup Igaly,Matou Diesel, Joaz Janus, Apmelina Slingshot, Claudia Debruyere, Elendile.bellios, Twirly Fire Stick, Galys7, Merlin Ohl, Milady Ghost, Venus Adored, Ciske Auster, Artée .... etc

The stylists:
UTOPIA (Saby Clary) et Gold in the Night By Elisea Carter
(for the outfits at the end of the film)
the shop X-Breed (Second Life)

thanks to Francesca Caeran, Dj Princess Venusia and Rei Spore
and to
Isabella Inf1nity, Malu Zhao, Celine L, Lacheriealorca Galaxy, Aiko Maeda
前田あいこ, Kyrah Shaeir, Gab Velcaira, Princesse Venusienne Mcmahon
and Chapichapo Delvalle for their help.

Film Patrick Moya 2020

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